Adopt Healthy Habits with These 5 Simple Tips

March is National Nutrition Month and the theme this year is “Ingredients for a Healthier Tomorrow!” Which is perfect because we’ve been thinking a lot about healthy habits since January..  

How can we make them simple? Which ones should we adopt? And how do we get started?   

Here are five tips to help you adopt some new healthy habits: 

1.     Start With a Plan  

Planning out your meals for the week is a great way to set you up for success. With so much information floating around the internet, the mere idea of meal planning can be overwhelming.  

Our advice? Keep it simple.  

Identify your least busy day of the week and dedicate a few extra minutes to picking out some recipes and creating a grocery list. This will take away the guesswork associated with deciding what’s for dinner every night. Consider placing a whiteboard calendar in the kitchen to keep your weekly menu organized or why not have some fun with themed meal nights? Assigning “Meatless Mondays” or “Taco Tuesdays” can make the process a lot more enjoyable!  

Our Meal Solution Bundles also have you covered with premade grocery lists, swap options, perfectly balanced plate suggestions, and pro tips throughout! 

2.     Make Time for Cooking  

Now for the fun part—preparing those delicious recipes you picked out! Making time for cooking gives you the opportunity to try out new cuisines, make more sustainable food choices, or even remake your favourite takeout dishes in a healthier way at home! Not to mention, it’s a great way to lower your food bill. Meal prepping will look different for everyone, but it generally will involve batch prepping a variety of foods in larger quantities, so you don’t have to worry about it during the week. If this sounds daunting, we recommend that you start by prepping 1-2 additional meals a week and build up from there.  

Of course, you’ll need plenty of containers to store your meals and keep things fresh. Our storage solutions make it simple to portion out your ingredients and tackle hassle-free meals on the go! 

 For more tips on food storage and meal prepping, be sure to check out our blog post on how to keep a well-stocked kitchen!  

3.     Eat Colorfully  

Adding color to your plate is a simple way to ensure you’re getting a variety of nutrients. Keep an eye out for recipes that incorporate more vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds. These foods are full of antioxidants, fiber, protein and healthy fats—key components to maintaining good health! Plant-based foods are also friendlier to our environment as they require fewer resources and greenhouse gases to produce. You’ll be reducing your carbon footprint while also benefiting from the amazing nutrition benefits these foods bring to the table.   

Check out some of our favorite plant-based recipes here!  

4.     Make Use of Herbs & Spices  

Many of us today consume more sodium than we need. It’s easy to exceed the dietary recommendations, but the good news is that salt is a largely acquired taste. So, over time you can actually sensitize your pallet to embrace lower levels of salt. Seasoning your food with more herbs and spices is a great way to limit your sodium intake without missing out on flavor!  

Our hand-crafted spice blends are perfect for creating low-sodium meals while also simplifying your time in the kitchen!   

5.     Don’t Skip Out on Dessert!  

Toss out the idea that there are morally “good” and “bad” foods!  

A healthy, sustainable diet won’t leave you feeling deprived and miserable. Food is meant to be enjoyed and your journey to good health should be no different. By giving yourself permission to eat “bad” foods, they lose their novelty and we’re less likely to obsess over them. Remember that it’s not about restricting yourself, rather making balanced choices. Giving yourself the freedom to consume the foods you love will make your health journey a lot more enjoyable and you’ll be more likely to stick to your routine long term.  

Take a look at some of our favourite healthy dessert options


Final Thoughts 

The journey towards developing healthy habits can take time so be kind to yourself. There may be challenges along the way but try to view them as opportunities to learn and grow. Remember, you don’t have to do it alone. If you’re looking for motivation, support, and dietitian-approved tips, we invite you to join our online community and #EpicLife Challenge starting on May 10th!  


So, let us know – what defines health and wellness for you? And how do you plan on creating a healthier tomorrow? Share with us on Instagram!  

Written by Gabi Abreu, BSc (Nutrition & Dietetics)