Revive Your Wellness Goals

How to Revive your
New Year’s Resolutions  

Let’s face it—we all set New Year’s resolutions in January when we’re full of enthusiasm for a fresh new year, and while we have the best intentions, they don’t always work out.  

It turns out resolutions are much easier to make than keep, and by February, many of us have abandoned our goals and settled back into old unhealthy patterns (in fact—studies show that 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail!). 

So, what can you do to revive your resolutions? Try these five proven steps to success and free resources! 

#1: Reconnect with your "WHY" 

When making New Year's resolutions, it is essential to understand the reason behind them. This "WHY" is what motivates and drives you to change. It could be to look and feel better, have more energy, or serve as a good role model for your children. The clearer you are on the reason for your resolutions, the more committed you will be. Revisit your "WHY" each month to ensure you're on track with your goals. 

#2: Create a plan 

Meal planning is crucial for weight loss and healthy living. Knowing what’s for breakfast, lunch, and dinner curbs the temptation to reach for the phone or unhealthy foods. With a wide variety of meal plans and by using Epicure Meal Solutions, you can enjoy all your fave meals like Pad Thai, Pulled Chicken, Beef & Broccoli Stir-Fry, Chili, Chicken Souvlaki, Beef Stroganoff, Donairs and more! And the best part is that these meal plans are FREE. 📅  


#3: Write it down 

Keeping a daily food journal can also help with weight loss and achieving other goals. Studies show that those who keep a food journal lose twice as much weight as those who don't. Whether your goals are weight loss related or not, journaling is a proven approach to promoting wellness.  

#4: Find a community 

Having an accountability partner or joining a support group can help keep you motivated and on track. Joining an online community, such as the Epic Life Challenge, can provide expert tips on nutrition, grocery shopping, meal planning, and workouts. You will also have the opportunity to connect with others and be part of an energized community that provides support and holds you accountable. 


#5: Choose realistic goals 

Taking on too much at once is a common reason why many resolutions fail. Instead, focus on small, incremental changes that will help you reach your larger goals. If your goal is to eat healthier, start by drinking more water, avoiding fast food, and cooking at home. If your goal is to be more active, start with achievable goals, like going for a walk three days a week or trying a 7-minute workout. Everyone has 7 minutes! 


Be kind and compassionate with yourself 

It's inevitable that you'll encounter obstacles along the way. If you fall back into a bad habit, don't view it as a failure. Your journey will have ups and downs, and it's important to be kind and compassionate with yourself. Remember that small wins add up to big changes, and it's never too late to start over. Stay focused and committed to your goals—you've got this! 

Amelia Warren